Monday, October 26, 2009

Apfel time at the zoo

Yay! We're not sick anymore! And it's a beautiful day so as soon as Anders awakens from his morning nap we're going out to a park by gosh.

On Saturday Veda, Anders and I joined Manfred, Amanda and their friends Markus, Kristiana, Becky and Emiliano for a day of apfel pflucken in Potsdam, about forty minutes drive outside of Berlin. Manfred rented a nine passenger van for the journey and was basically der fuhrer of the road, safely navigating us through the foggy landscape to Hofladen farm where, after some time getting organized, we headed into the orchard. The trees were conveniently low, approximately eight foot, but I still had to climb to the top to get the best ones. There were three choices of apfel but I opted to stick to the Ralinda, (I think that was the name of them) which are crisp and tart and will eventually be made into crumble.

Afterwards we ate a nice lunch of soup in the farmhouse cafe and bought some meats and wines for later. All in all a super day that bled into...

...later that evening, when I dropped by Manfred and Amanda's to borrow some thread so as to finish sewing the hem of my jeans and stayed for a delicious mushroom risotto dinner. Their friend Brooke was also there and we relaxed in the living room listening to music and drinking wine until I was summoned home. Marriage...

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