Sunday, March 28, 2010

Budapest, Hungary und Zagreb, Croatia

Before I forget, after our show in Krakow we detoured and drove an hour or so to Oswiecim, better known by its German name, Auschwitz. There isn't anything I can say about the camp that hasn't been said before but what struck me dumb was how huge it was. As I discovered, there were three parts to the camp, with each successive section larger and less developed, until the Soviets showed up and the Nazis tried to tear it all down and flee, taking any prisoners who could walk and leaving the sick and crippled behind.

Not to be taken as a joke but afterwards, all I could think about was the present tenants who lived in the apartments located behind the gas chambers throwing a dinner party and giving directions...

So now I'm sitting in the green room at Arena in Wien, Österreich. Last nights show in Zagreb, Croatia is in the top five shows I've ever played. It reached such heights for many reasons,

1. The sound, both on and off stage, was excellent, kudos to the soundman who's name I'm embarrassed to say I've forgotten.
2. It was a nice theatre style venue.
3. The crowd was enthusiastic and I couldn't see the audience and...
4. Our show in Budapest, Hungary was in the top five worst shows I've ever played. It fell to such depths for these reasons,

1. The sound was terrible on stage even though the soundcheck was really good.
2. Three songs in I had already counted sixteen people leaving the show, often mid-song. I know this as I could see everyone's face clear as day. I watched many people, including two young guys in the front row, talking on cel phones or texting.
3. In frustration I audibly called bullshit on the situation and Nick reprimanded me in front of the audience and...
4. We cut a third of our set out in order to get off the stage and I felt bad for the few people who were enjoying the show who weren't seeing us at our best.

Whatever. That's what touring is like. The lows are so low you feel like quitting playing music and the highs are so high it can carry you for weeks...

On the other hand Budapest is possibly the most beautiful city I've ever been in and we spent the better part of the day wandering both sides of the Danube river exploring both Buda and Pest (as it is one city with two parts, a fact I was unaware of.) The early part of the day was spent in and around Varosliget park watching children climb all over statues of gothic hooded figures. Afterwards we walked across the Szechenyi chain bridge and stopped for drinks. Nick and I ordered martinis and when the time came to pay the bartender overcharged us and when I questioned him about it he explained that we were charged for the martini part of the drink and then the vodka part of the drink. Separately! As if it were two drinks we merged together! Although I would have stayed and argued I didn't want to embarrass anyone so we left and later, when we told our hosts what happened they laughed and said we were ripped off.

It's funny now...

The latter part of the day was spent at Buda castle which overlooks the city and I must say I don't have words to describe the view, but when night fell and the city lights came on it was breathtaking...for reals...

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