Friday, April 2, 2010

Schorndorf, Deutschland

The next morning after the show in Nürnberg I was incredibly hungover and slept until noon. My insensitive bandmates took the opportunity to laugh at my disheveled state and the fact that even with sunglasses on I couldn't comfortably open my eyes. However, after many cups of coffee I started to come around, finally able to join them for breakfast. After which we drove to a small town outside of Stuttgart called Schorndorf and played a good show to an uncomfortably quiet sixty or so people at Club Manufaktur. I feel confident that Mount Eerie and No Kids made valiant efforts to bring them out of their shell to no avail...

Yeesh, pull on collar here...

The wonderful surprise to the club was laundry facilities which we heartily took advantage of, and although it took a really long time I now have clean socks. In my opinion every scrap of clothing can turn stiff and hang on the body like a mannequin hanging on another mannequin but socks must be clean, for the wearer and the close at hand. Right? Yes.

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