Sunday, September 13, 2009

Loree & Michelle

Yesterday Saoirse and I went on a trek to see if she could barter on this dress she wanted which was tres expensive. I waited outside the fancypants shop near Hackescher Markt with the bikes while she worked her magic. She was inside quite a while and I thought she wouldn't do it but eventually, success! Oh happy day! Dress in hand we made our way to this record store on Ohlauerstrasse where I picked up Fishbone-Truth & Soul on vinyl and then stopped at a fleamarkt on Bergmannstrasse where I bought a Hindemith record and Human League-Dare, each for three euro. Saoirse went on ahead and when I arrived home Loree and Michelle had arrived in Berlin! They're here in front of my face right now as I write. Last night we had dinner and drinks, K.B. came over and we all sat around with candles aflame talking about family scheisse, mine, Loree's, Michelle's. Fun, fun, fun we're all damaged goods-whoo hoo! Today will probably be another flea markt day, wish us luck...


  1. How will you have room to bring back all these records?

  2. anonymous has the same question

  3. actually, i haven't thought that far ahead. i'll let the future decide.

  4. that's what I was gonna ask...
