Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rain, man...

It's pouring rain today and in Daniel and Pigi's flat they have three children and four adults in total and in our flat we have five adults and one child. It's intense man. I'll probably just blog all day...

Oh, hey, Kim Barlow is in town hanging out and writing music with her friend Matthias. She came over and we had dinner, played scrabble and drank a lot of wine. Eventually, Veda went to bed and Saoirse, Kim and I ventured out on our bikes into the Berlin night where they keep falafel and schwarma waiting for drunkards like us. We stopped, ate, then continued on towards Kim's place on or near Maybachstrasse just off the canal. I've decided to stop referencing the map all the time but I told Kim I knew how to get there, so they followed me until we had been travelling such a loooooong time that Kim was concerned we had overshot her flat. Which we had. By a lot. We had basically biked to Treptowerpark which is approximately twenty blocks past our destination which I should note is pretty easy to do when you're always following a map that makes everything seem far away and also, the street names change all the time as you travel along them so it is easy to suddenly be confused. However, we eventually made our way back to her flat, drank more wine and watched youtube videos of Rick Astley, cute hedgehogs and guitar gods with their cock wankery solos overdubbed with incredibly poor tuneless twanging, ala Lister of Red Dwarf fame. Eventually the wine was gone and so were we. It only took fifteen minutes or so to make it back home.

Ha ha ha...

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